Mac move logs and caches to RAM
how to use a RAM disk to store caches and logs so you can avoid unnecessary disk writes. This is for Catalina. There’s no point in trying to control later Macs as they are not your own any more.
This shell script that removes the cache folders, creates them on a RAM disk and creates symlinks for them so the applications don’t know it’s even happening. The first file is the shell script that does the actual work:
while [ ! -d /Volumes ]
echo "waiting..."
sleep 0.5
if [ ! -d /Volumes/RamDisk ]; then
echo "creating ramdisk..."
sleep 0.5
diskutil partitionDisk $(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((2048*16000))) 1 GPTFormat APFS 'RamDisk' '100%'
mkdir -p /Volumes/RamDisk/Logs/
sudo rm -rf /private/var/log
ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Logs /private/var/log
sudo rm -rf /Users/guy/Library/Logs
ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Logs /Users/guy/Library/Logs
sudo rm -rf /Library/Logs
sudo ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Logs /Library/Logs
rm -rf /Users/guy/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/ExtensibilityLibrary/Log
ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Logs /Users/guy/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/ExtensibilityLibrary/Log
rm -rf /Users/guy/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Extension\ Manager\ CC/Log
ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Logs /Users/guy/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Extension\ Manager\ CC/Log
mkdir -p /Volumes/RamDisk/Downloads
sudo rm -rf /Users/guy/Downloads
sudo ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Downloads /Users/guy
sudo chown guy:staff /Users/guy/Downloads
declare -a arr=(
"Adobe Camera Raw 2"
"Google Earth"
"Microsoft Edge"
for i in "${arr[@]}"
mkdir -p "/Volumes/RamDisk/Caches/$i"
if [[ -L "/Users/guy/Library/Caches/$i" && -d "/Users/guy/Library/Caches/$i" ]]
echo "$i is already a symlink"
rm -rf "/Users/guy/Library/Caches/$i"
ln -s "/Volumes/RamDisk/Caches/$i" /Users/guy/Library/Caches
echo "$i CREATED"
That file is executed on system startup by a LaunchAgent, the file is stored as /Library/LaunchAgents/com.user.ramdisk.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Then enable the launch agent:
launchctl enable /Library/LaunchAgents/com.user.ramdisk.plist
reboot your Mac and watch the RamDisk to see if everything’s working: