Telegram Notifications
Or some other method, though telegram would be best as it wiuld not need any extra things running lovally and telegram gives a notice with sound and appears in the tray with a flag…
Notify looks promising.
Trying out (wiki)
Installing via pip3 instructions here.
Website content change detection from behind logins article here.
Having trouble with pip because I don’t know where I can set the PATH variable, but commands work from the directory itself ok.
It’s at /home/andy/.local/bin/
and I put its data directory at /home/andy/changedetection_data
Also it won’t run unless the terminal is open so prefix with command nohup.
Also Also, for some reason it says the data directory doesn’t exist so we have to set it each time (it does exist so we don’t need to create it). So this seems to start the thing up for now:
cd /home/andy/.local/bin/
and thennohup -d /home/andy/changedetection_data -p 5000
See difference-between-nohup-disown-and & for more info