We have four acres, more detail will be added as I get it
Form a Society and sub-let the land to that. Put all the community safeguards into the lease.
Contacting these people for collaboration/assistance.
- Adam – Permaculture teacher, help with design.
- Bernadette Connolly – Local Green Party
- (Zoe) Community Environment Action Fund was 2019 but there may be something available from them still.
- Forestry Grants – Michael Connelly Roscarberry Registered Forester 086 2583773
- Native Woodland Scheme Ecologist Pascal Sweeney, Mallow 086-2263383
Woodland Grants
Forestry grants can be got from Teagasc (link no longer works). The most suitable one for us is also the highest: GPC 9 and GPC 10 – Native Woodland Establishment:
This category supports the establishment of new native woodlands on ‘green field’ sites. Its focus is on native species, minimal site disturbance and long-term ‘close-to-nature’ management. It may present opportunities for planting in various environmentally sensitive areas.
Total Grant available is around 6k per hectare, plus 665 per year for 15 years.