Natural Bee Hives
If priority is pollination and survival of bees, then a natural hive should be investigated.
Flow Hive
If we want honey too, it may be less harmful to the bees to use a flowhive, which has a tap to drain off honey without disturbing the bees.
Microwave Proofing
Protective paint is really expensive ($200 per tin) but cheap to make. Maybe the hives can be 70% surrounded by nets too, to lessen exposure around the hive. More research neeeded. There are nets for beds and mesh for windows in the sites that sell stuff for 5g proofing. Magic rocks etc have no evidence of working at all.
With all the crap humans are making,its not easy for bees to survive. Colony collapse disorder (as if it was their fault!) is now pandemic. Much research is needed into how to give them the best possibility to thrive. This likely means not harvesting honey.
Immune Protection
Also Make sure we have plenty of species that bees love, including those with strong antiviral chemistry like geraniums. We have enough wild flowers and bee mix to do a small area as meadow.