Jargon Repository

Political Jargon

Political jargon is very similar to its corporate relation. Probably they can understand each other quite well, just as Italians can sort of understand Spaniards. Our rulers can no longer say things like “off with his head”, though they would like to. Now they have to appear human. Hence their use of jargon. This repository holds some examples of jargon from the real world.

Transformative Social Change

[The closest experience you can get to being hit on the head, without actually being hit on the head]

Transformative social change is a philosophical, practical and strategic process to effect revolutionary change within society, i.e., social transformation. It is effectively a systems approach applied to broad-based social change and social justice efforts to catalyze sociocultural, socioeconomic and political revolution. In seeking to integrate and then politicize personal development and social development as an overarching approach to social change at multiple levels, addressing a wide range of issues, using holistic, nonviolent methods,[1] it may be best classified as a new social movement. Rather than focus on particular issue(s), it seeks to impact the culture of left of center social movement and organizing work. However, by considering the dismantling of and liberation from oppressive systems, including economic, as core to its goal, it defies even definitions put forth for new social movements. As a comprehensive approach to progressive social change, it seeks distinguishes to itself from the “ordinary” change of conventional social change, social justice and their respective organizing practices by placing emphasis on personal, organizational and social systemic change that cannot be undone, or “deep change.”

From Wikipedia (spit!)

So, transformative Change is a special kind of change; erm… because it transforms? Transform means change! The only real difference between the definitions of transform and change is a possible implication of the drastic. So, transformational change: the kind of change that changes stuff, changing change, as opposed to the non-changing type.

No more meaningful than “change” — the original product — but much more important-sounding, because it’s bigger. I mean, how popular would a philosophy called “big social change” be?

Still, this vagueness is crucial, as weather forecasters have learned the hard way:

Stating the Obvious

… but saying it with authority:

“Trees will play a vitally important role in achieving the Community Forest.”

Forest Plan Summary, Great Western Community Forest March 1994,

Including the inevitable

“There is growing consensus on communication and community media as drivers for social change in rural areas: they facilitate access to timely information for improved agricultural production and, above all, they encourage farmer participation in the rural development process…”

Towards Concerted Action on Communication, Community Media and ICTs for Family Farming

And if the irony of that is too subtle, see “stating the obvious”, above.
People get paid for this?

Not Saying Everything

Most jargon is about not saying anything, but sometimes it’s about not saying “everything”.

When you ask the organization you are writing the website blurb for, “what’s your main area of focus”, and all you get in reply is “oh, we do all sorts of projects, everywhere, anywhere!”, how do you manage to make it sound professional?

We work on projects that focus on the land, coast or sea and work in the UK, elsewhere in Europe and Overseas.”

dialogue matters: genuine dialogue between responsible organisations, stakeholders, relevant experts and other interested people.

So we can’t help you if you’re doing an asteroid project. Unless it makes it through the atmosphere. It’s a sign of good jargon when you have to really stretch your imagination to see any negative aspect of the statement.

Saying that you will go anywhere will make you sound desperate, but naming any area excludes you from potential contracts everywhere else. You only have a couple of pages to sell your idea, and there you go, wasting a whole sentence of it, just to stick “focus” in there anyway. This isn’t because you’re stupid, it’s because the system you’re in is stupid. You have to state your area of focus because that’s a buzzword the readers of your grant proposals are looking for.

People say that computers are going to become like our brains. I think our brains are becoming more like computers already. You should be able to submit a grant proposal in plain English, in your own way. You should not have to go on a course and get a qualification in writing grant proposals. The grant givers are there for us, not us for them. They should be going on courses learning how to read grant proposals from normal humans.

Instead of simply writing down what we are doing and what we need funding for, we have to fit our project into a pre-existing structure, which is essentially a database with only a few sections, and those sections are very specific. You have to change the very nature of what you’re doing to fit the submission demands of the grant giver.

It’s almost never the grant giver’s own money, so what right do they have to make these demands? Their donors (or customers, or taxpayers) are only giving money for something vague, like save the dolphins or health care, it’s the organization that imposes all the rules and controls.


If your opponents or competitors in a debate are producing good verbiage, a relentless focus on the unfathomable can often save the day. When all those present are good at it, things can get pretty unfathomable, though.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, in a speech to present the Treasury’s National Infrastructure Plan, (See…? Your attention is already drifting!) met his match and the result was a fine demonstration of strategic lexical dissemination. He started by agreeing that It was difficult to get voters excited about infrastructure because it was “a long word” that “doesn’t necessarily mean a lot to a lot of people”.

Those people wouldn’t have been much the wiser if they’d heard his speech, because, although Mr Alexander kindly read aloud the Collins Dictionary definition of “infrastructure”, he then went on to talk about “big-ticket projects”, “shifting the dial”, “a relentless focus on delivery” and, most puzzlingly of all, his desire to “unlock up to 11,000 new homes”. (Police have since urged anyone who lives in a new home, and who believes they’ve spotted the Chief Secretary lurking nearby after dark, to call 999 immediately.)

When it comes to unfathomable corporate jargon, however, Mr Alexander was no match for the next speaker. The Treasury, declared Lord Deighton, its Commercial Secretary, was getting a lot done. Such as? Why, there was “pipeline visibility”, “an approach to driving delivery”, “really effective target interventions”, and “a massive, massive execution responsibility”

In the end, Lord Deighton was trumped by Andrew Wolstenholme, CEO of Crossrail, though. Could Lord Deighton commit, he asked earnestly, to “an infrastructure catapult”?

(The Telegraph, 24 Mar 2015 -Driving a Bulldozer Through the English Language)

This reminds me of the jockeying for position in the Monty Python sketch about writers:

Reset To Random

Africa Reset
A New Way Forward
Edited by Dr. Theodore Ahlers and Edited by Dr. Harinder S. Kohli

Do you know any human who would talk to you like this?

This book shows that the consequences of a ‘reset’ extending the African best practice to more countries of the continent can transform the continent but also that the human cost of not doing so would be staggering.

Really? Imagine if you asked your Dad (or anyone else) if he had read Africa Reset, and he said:

This book assesses the challenges and provides concrete policy recommendations that can be taken by Africa’s leaders and citizens in the key areas to reset their economic trajectory, achieve their desired convergence, and meet the aspirations of their people.

This work combines analytical work from other regions, particularly from Asia and compares key indicators in key policy areas for Africa and Asia to draw lessons for the fut… hey… that’s MY hotdog!

For sure, if you go through the mental exercise of imagining anyone you know saying that, I guarantee in your imagination, they are taking the piss.

The purpose of the marketing blurb is to encourage the reader to buy the book. This is jargon. It attracts people who like jargon. So that must be whom they are aiming for. If the book is not full of jargon, then in my case the marketing strategy failed. If it is full of jargon – good marketing!

regions… now, where have I heard that before? (UN Agenda 21?)

How do you reset a trajectory? You could adjust it by nudging it a bit, maybe even turn it around altogether. But re-set it? It’s a meaningless phrase; If a bullet has a trajectory, that means it’s already on its way. What will we reset the trajectory to? When you reset a device, that means back to some previous state. Wow! Maybe we should Escape instead of reset?

So it’s bad jargon! Good jargon at least makes ‘sense’. And did anyone notice how these two “experts” don’t come from Africa?


And this is why we don’t use youtube/google scum any more. Sorry, I have no idea what the title of this video was, or anything about it, except it probably had something to do with “inclusion”. But now it’s gone. I stupidly relied on a bunch of ignorant retards. Sorry.


Ok I found it through search for the references, on bitchute. It’s not safe there either, so I’ll download it. This site can be useful – just put in the video url and it may be able to find it on archive.org and the metadata on Filmot. Saves a lot of arcane url scrunching in different places. Here is the video now on Odysee instead.

There is some mention of inclusion in the main Jargon page, but this video does a great job of summarizing what’s going on under the guise of it. I am not surprised the creeps at Themtube took her channel down.

The New Colonialism – Digital ID Tracking and Inclusion -Amazing Polly

References from the original youtube post: