Home Lab
Simulation of Environments
To emulate as much as possible the situations in which our eventual opens source system will need to be run in. SBCs like Raspberry pi have great advantages for us.
- Very low power – can be as low as 2 to 5 v if using ARM (or other RISC) architecture. Important because it will be on 24 hours a day where it may be powered by a small, cheap solar set-up.
- Extremely cheap to purchase and light to post.
- Some come with really good educational support.
Testing Of Software
SBCs are a cheap way of trying out different software (e.g. website and server monitors) before we need actual paid for data center hardware.
Possible Addition
Download and installation instructions here.
here is their github page https://github.com/Start9Labs/start-os
and an interview with more detail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n9DRGJWr_0
and another interview iwth more of the philosophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4FbsM7ZATI

Run Proxmox on old laptop – Try in case of ARM not working well.
ZimaBoard and ProxMox
ZimaBoard is a small x86 micro-server that very well could replace your Raspberry Pi. Featuring SATA, Dual Ethernet and PCIe this board can be molded to perfectly to fit your production and homelab needs.
We could learn more about virtualization etc relatively painlessly using a cheap board. Proxmox looks like a good thing to start off. Just install and use the web interface. Solving problems as they come up (and you actually need to solve them) is much more efficient than a course and the most expensive ZimaBoard is $200 so that’s a lot less than a Server Admin course.
Maybe some good prep stuff here first
Other Possibilities With Proxmox
ARM and Risc5 are preferable here due to low power consumption. AMD 64 etc tend to use a lot of power and since this will be on most of the time tha tmakes a difference.
Or VIM4 might be good too. 219 also, but 4 cores instead of 8 and 8G ram instead of 4.