Social Media and Other Sites

We could use Nostr for much more than just chat on the site as well – it could be where users initially post, for example. See How To Embed Nostr Posts On Your Website.

The aim of social media posts is to attract people to our sites, not to provide free content to big tech! What we do is sure to annoy the big charities the establishment and the “liberal” activists who do their bidding. So let’s not rely on the big tech media for anything at all. Instead we build our own distributed network.

Our big tech links go from social media to our sites – not the other way.

Social Media

FacebookSatoshiHostRecently started. Not much done.
ClickForCharityNeeds rebranding from ClickForAfrica – has 805 followers
DirectSponsorLooks like this one got blocked. Good reason not to rely on nasty people who lie about their intentions. It was / – maybe?
XSatoshiHostRecently done, not much there
DirectSponsorWill have to find the login for this.
ClickForAfricaNot sure if we can change the name and keep the followers, though less than 50 anyway. ClickForCharity is taken but not used.
InstagramDirectSponsorNothing done.
DiasporaDirectSponsorNot much done here!
NostrSatoshihostUses sats so it’s a good one to be on.
TangledSatoshihostHas own currency, millix like onthenode below.


LinkedIn [DS]We can put free volunteer ads in here
StackOverlowJoined Jan 24: Has a jobs section which we may post in. Todo: profile etc not done yet.

Management Tools

These have a free tier.

There is also mixpost – open source and the personal version is free

Fundraising Sites

kuno – fundraising – crowdfunding using Monero – not working I am trying to find out why by asking in the telegram group. Todo: crowdfunding. Bitcoin.


Other Sites

Sites we could use to advertise ourselves. -users create lists of their favorite sites – Microblogging platform. Still in beta. Get btc from faucet and then either withdraw or use to make blog posts. Also, we can post ads. – A metaverse that has ōLand units which users can use in some way. Will know more sometime soon. — nah… seems like another shitcoin nonsense.

Everipedia looks like a better version of Wikipedia. There are entries for other hosting companies so maybe we can write something there. I set up an account with them. May also be useful to get some credits to advertise generally too. I registered and it is now listed. Also has a place where we can submit articles to publish.

Handshake is a decentralized DNS system. Looks like something worth supporting and if we can get a domain and put a copy of the SatoshiHost and ClickForCharity sites on it that might also help us.

This page has a list of some of the main ad networks.

Bitcoin Magazine says it is “a place where everyone from the mightiest podcast influencer to the pleb can have their voices heard. If you have something that you’re passionate about, you can write about it and we’ll publish it “. (video) is a place you can paste ads – seems to be free. I have not looked much yet