Advertise a jackpot of 1 million satoshi and just award one ticket per visit, max 4 per day. No need to work out values even, we just do the draw as soon as our revenue reaches 1 million sats.

  • A standard faucet script should be adequate.
  • No need to hook it up with e.g. faucetpay.
  • No need for any upfront investment (though having the award early would no doubt help to encourage users).
  • Not possible to lose, we only pay out what we got in.
  • We can deduct reaonable expenses, like hosting costs.
  • Ads can be the same rates as normal faucet CPM. (cheap, like 2 or 3 dollars).


We need to advertise for:

  • Volunteers and sponsors for the program
  • Sponsors for the system.
  • Paying customers for
  • “Free” customers for the free version of
  • geeks, promoters, coders, volunteers, sponsors etc for everything
  • to advertise any services etc. that our volunteers want to sell.
  • advertise our own reflinks for some sites

Rough Costings

A popular (and relatively high-paying) site like pays $0.0018 per claim (4 sat at time of writing).

Mellowads charges 140 sat CPC (per actual click) or 2000 sats CPM (per 1000 ad impressions whether clicked or not). I found CPM to be cheaper per vist I actually got to the page. The CPC rate indicates they expect about 14 clicks per1000.

Anyway, 4 sats vs 140 is a big difference. And then even 140 sat (less than 6c) is dirt cheap compared to google (at least a dollar). In spite of that, we can even get some of it back, maybe even break even, with some ads. In any case, this is extremely cheap advertising. Any income is a bonus.

Highest Return to Players

The best of the big lotteries (Megamillions) only pays out 77c per dollar received. They go as low as 50%. (source). Typically, lotteries pay out around 50-70% of stakes (turnover) back to players. (wikipedia). We pay 95% and the other 5 goes to

A faucet that gives prizes instead of tiny rewards.

  • No need to pay out before getting (or even knowing the amount of) faucet income from ads etc.
  • Doesn’t matter how many times people enter, each entry requires a shortlink completion. (see firefaucet’s system – lets you move ones you don’t like to another section so you don’t have to remember which ones are ok)

Using woocommerce lottery plug-in which saved a lot of work.


running a normal faucet we have to pay out a certain predetermined amount to each visitor, immediately. This leads to several problems.

  • We don’t know what the revenue will be until sometime later.
  • Subsequent visits by the same user in the same day are worth very little in the shortlinks or ads.
  • We are not in control of how much we pay out.
  • When we find a botter it’s too late, they already have our BTC.


With a lotto, the users get free tickets and the payout is later, at a time chosen by us, based on actual income, not projected estimates. We only pay what we get, minus the % as advertised in the faucet.


User arrives at the site.

  • 3 tickets are presented.
  • Each one requires a shortlink (3 different ones) to be completed to add it to their cart.
  • User goes to checkout to ‘purchase’ their tickets.
  • Enter email and BTC address (unless already signed up)
  • Option to create an account with the provided email and BTC address.
  • Check out. Process complete.

Prize draw

  • When the 1000 satoshi ticket reaches 100 sales, 1 draw is registered as pending.
  • the 1000 draw is just paid, with an email sent to the winner.
  • For 100,000 and 1,000,000, the equivalent number is to be reached before one is registered as pending.
  • The bigger prizes can be manually given in the initial stages. Winner notified by email with a link to the claim page.
  • Get an extra (1000, 5,000) by tweeting etc (share on 2 networks to qualify) your win with a link to the prizes page. Just ask the 1000 winners to tweet etc, no need for a reward? Too many to check.
  • Tweet and FB can both be pre-written for them.
  • enail alerts to admin when prizes are due.
  • Prize draws can be held off until revenue to cover them is received, new ones added manually and existing ones canceled according to revenues.
  • Registration of pending draws is only to give an idea of the proportions, not dictate the actual prizes given out. that is decided by revenue.
  • Revenue is split by the advertised %. E.g. 10% goes to ClickForAfrica and 90 to the prize fund.

Another possible way:

  • Each drawing is tied to the link shortener revenue for that draw.
  • When eg. 1000 sat one has 1000 (or 1100 or whatever) a draw is registered as pending,
  • Ad revenues are the profit and are assigned to ClickForAfrica.

I prefer the first way because we can control the % and thus advertise it on the site as 80/20 instead of a complicated paragraph.

But all this clearly needs some thought…


Something like

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