Cockpit Server Interface Can be used to make server management easier for mortals. Has a terminal and lots of admin tools. Already on most repos so e.g. ubuntu
sudo apt-get install cockpit -y
Start: systemctl start cockpit
Enable: systemctl enable cockpit
(seems not necessary any more)
Check: systemctl status cockpit
Listening? ss -antpl | grep 9090
Port is 9090

If it doesn’t auto start, systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
It’s got alot of other stuff too, for managing multiple VMs or any servers – More research is necessary!
More info on set up here. And archived as a pdf here.
If cockpit doesn’t start, activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
software updates
Workaround for “cannot refresh cache whilst offline” when trying to update software.nmcli con add type dummy con-name fake ifname fake0 ip4 gw4
Network Manager needs to manage at least one interface, otherwise it reports to the system that it’s “offline”. That gives it a fake one to manage.
But! It seems to keep recurring, so maybe the fix doesn’t stick and the problem recurs after a reboot. So how do I make it permanent? Or is there a better solution?