Hestia Control Panel

Hestia Installation

There are some things to bear in mind when setting up hestiacp here.
And this might have some useful info when first setting up.

There are some other possibilities here.

these are the options I used when calling the install.sh (using their Install string generator.

sudo bash hst-install.sh --apache no --phpfpm yes --multiphp yes --vsftpd yes --proftpd no --named yes --mysql yes --postgresql yes --exim yes --dovecot yes --sieve yes --clamav yes --spamassassin yes --iptables yes --fail2ban yes --quota yes --api yes --interactive yes --with-debs no  --port 8083 --hostname satoshihost-oc1.subnet12062343.vcn12062343.oraclevcn.com --email andy@satoshihost.com --password ******* --lang en  --force
amazzane.com using (for now) unused domain.

Hestia Setup

Notes for this video https://ideaspot.com.au/blog/cloudflare-hestia-setup/